Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Phillip's wife, Mary, escapes the buzz bombs with Keith

Mary Charron was 7 months pregnant when she first met Keith. Philllip was away at the the time. Keith was the oldest of 6 children, and was very close to Phillip, so he must have wanted to help and take care of her.

With all the bombs and rationing, it must have been pretty unpleasant being pregnant in 1944.

Letter from Keith to his mother, 2 July, 1944.
'Well I met Mary, Phillips wife & she is a fine woman, he sure picked himself a winner I spent my 48* at Phillips place, it is very nice if it weren’t for the buzz bombs, Mary first got out of the hospital the day I got there so it was her first night in the dug out .... As Mary is having a baby in Sept Mr Davis didn’t think it it was wise for her to stay there so I took her here... It sure looked funny me walking around London with Mary they (the people on the street) must have thought I looked awful young to be a father. Mary isn’t very strong since she came out of the hospital & she was pretty weak in the legs so I had a heck of a time getting her on and off trains etc.'

*48 hours' leave

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