Thursday, 28 February 2013

A Car with Bad Karma

I find it a bit creepy that Keith bought this car. The person who owned it was killed in action. Keith and the crew had just moved to Tiger Squad 424 at Skipton on Swale, so they had never met the car's previous owner(s).

Three weeks after he wrote this letter, on 5 April 1945,  Keith was dead. How many guys bought the car before him? Did some new guys buy it after he died?

Letter from Keith to his mother, 18 March 1945.
'Say what do you think, my engineer and I bought a car to day off the air force, It was being sold to the highest bidder cause the owner got shot down or something so we got it for ten lbs which is way cheap, only 5 lbs a piece, so even if we give it away we won’t have such a terrible loss its just a little two seater with a back seat big enough for a couple of suitcases. It’s a four cylinder Austin Minor and we should get about 75 miles to the gallon.' 

This is a two seat Austin Minor from the 1930s (UK car production stopped in the early 1940s because of the war). I took this photo at the Haynes Motor Museum in Somerset. 

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