Monday, 7 January 2013

Happy Birthday, Keith! (21 for the 68th time!)

Letter from Keith to his mom, 19 January 1945.

'I received your letter dated Dec 27th today and also my birthday parcel and boy what a parcel, that knife is about the nicest one I’ve seen over here, all the guys want to know where you got it, by the look of all the government stamps it looks like Daddy done a little finagaling(?) cause I’m sure you couldn’t buy one in the store. Everything in the parcel was swell and thanks a lot.'

Keith wrote this on the day he arrived at 'Mohawk', the RCAF's Conversion Unit 666, in Wombleton, Yorkshire. 'Mokawk' was where the Canadians who flew Lancasters, Halifaxes, Oxfords, Spitfires and Hurricanes received final training before going on bombing operations.

He had just come through the Christmas holidays with more leave than he had expected. Keith and the others spent a lot of time travelling around, mainly in London, with little money, waiting to be assigned a new pilot. So Keith had only just received the parcel with his birthday presents from back home when he arrived at the Conversion Unit in Wombleton. Happy birthday, Keith.

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